Whose Diss?

Let’s settle this once and for all. Shall we?

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the death of rapper Tupac Shakur. Whatever you think of him, he left an indelible impact on the world of hip hop. So much so that even dudes like Ron, who aren’t particularly into the scene, gravitate towards his fiery lyrics. And without a doubt, ‘Pac’s diss track “Hit ‘em up” is one of the most influential and biting that ever was recorded. And it just happens to be Ron’s favorite. 

So it’s perhaps no surprise that he and good buddy JD would find this as yet another topic of “discussion.” You see, for JD, there’s no diss track as hard and cold-blooded Ice Cube’s “No Vaseline” Note: in this version of the phrase “cold blooded,” JD does not mean “fine” or “beautiful” (you had to listen to episode 2 to get that reference. 😂) 

Which is the better diss rap: “Hit ‘em Up” or “No Vaseline”? Today Ron conducts a very “scientific” study to get down to the bottom of this and find a satisfying answer. The outcome may surprise you.

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Copyrights & Credits

Music for the show was licensed from Artlist and curated from FreeMusicArchive.org. Creative commons songs included in this episode (in order of appearance):

  • “Home for Refugees” by Psalters (CC BY-SA)
  • “Wander and Ramble” by MC Cullah (CC BY-SA)
  • “Reunion” by Jahzzar (CC BY-SA)
  • “God Be With You ‘Til We Meet Again” by Chris Zabriskie (CC BY)

Clips used in this episode:

Statement of Fair Use

As an audio documentary series, we use movie, video, and music clips in this series under Fair Use. Unlike many who claim fair use as a blanket excuse to post someone else’s content, we take artists’ work very seriously. As such, we actually follow the law, transforming the work and/or minimizing use of clips for purposes of explanation, critique, education, or satire. Copyrighted music used to enhance the episode is purchased, or licensed under creative commons. Any inclusion of popular or copyrighted music not so licensed, is used sparingly under the guidelines of good fair use practices. For more information, we highly recommend “The Documentary Filmmaker’s Best Practices of Fair Use.”

Also published on Medium.

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